Decant Editorial



from good to great

Welcome to an editorial world where we collaborate to bring out the best in your book. Decant offers a variety of tools and programs to help you turn that work-in-progress into a publishable work of art.

Every book has its own rules, and our job is to help you identify the logic and strengths of the project. Decant will read the entire work, and from there build a cogent plan to improve the novel, memoir, or story collection.


Joshua Mohr turned my 300 pages of angsty rambling into a sharp and action-packed novel. He sees the story through the clouds, and always knew what I was trying to say well before I could assemble the appropriate words to say it. I’d never have a book deal if it wasn’t for Josh.

— Lauren Saft, author of "Those Girls" (Little Brown)


 Joshua Mohr is that rare reader, able to hold onto the microscopic and master plan simultaneously, who will work with your ultimate goal in mind: how to execute your literary project in the most effective way possible. With an eye for character development, pacing, hooking your reader, and sentence exactitude, Mohr understands the complicated and tangled mess involved when making fiction come to life.

— Courtney Moreno, author of "In Case of Emergency" (McSweeney's)